Dyno Testing by Works Mitsubishi, San Rafael California,
Present during all phases of testing were:
Snorre A. Grunnan, Owner of San Rafael Mitsubishi California USA
2 Officials from Works Mitsubishi were conducting the tests:
Oliver Simons Owner "Works Mitsubishi Infineon Raceway" Unit L-1B 29673 Arnold Drive, Sonoma,Ca
Peter Kang Owner "Works Mitsubishi Infineon Raceway" Unit L-1B 29673 Arnold Drive, Sonoma,Ca
Alain Cluber CluberUSA@gmail.com Observer
Christian StClaire from StClaire StClaireUSA@gmail.com
The meeting started with a demonstration of the NanoLube Technology by Christian StClaire.
The demonstration was performed using a Tribo Machine during which a sample of the Mobil 1 oil was taken from the car's crank case and tested using Timken hardness racers and pin bearings. Mobil 1 performed very well with a result of 40 foot pound of direct pressure at 90 degree angle (pictures to follow), the amperage from the tribo machine went from 2 amps idling to 15 amps and stalled which concluded the test of the synthetic Mobil 1 10w30 engine Oil, the pin bearing was heavily scored at which time Nano-Oil TM by StClaire was added to the part already scored and finished with a 65 foot pound result.
The test pin bearing was exchanged for a brand new one and the test repeated with only Nano-Oil TM , the result was over 110 foot pound with minimal scoring, this test was conducted only to bring the audience up to speed and visually demonstrate the possibilities in using Nano-Oil TM in Racing & every day use in Automobiles.
In preparation for the Dyno testing of Nano-Oil TM , 5 Takes were performed as a base line before adding anything to the vehicle, the Protocol: take a number of base lines without Nano-Oil TM than add Nano-Oil TM to only the engine crankcase & run 4 Takes than add Nano-Oil TM to the manual gear box run 4 Takes again upon which complete data analysis will be performed by the 3 officials from Mitsubishi with the observers present,
what happened during the First Phase consisting of 4 Dyno Takes (Nano-Oil TM in only the crank case 8 ounces or 237 cc/ml after 5 baseline without)
Phase One - Take One
1- Torque at the flywheel increased Dramatically from 215 to 220.57 horse power at 4200 RPM and was also consistent at lower RPM
2- Horse Power also increased Dramatically from 199 to 206.9 at 6300 RPM and was also consistent at lower RPM
3- Turbo Pressure (dropped by 1.52 psi while Torque and Horse Power increased dramatically)
4- Temperature dropped 2.7 Degree from the consistent baseline
Phase One - Take Two
1- Torque slightly increased yet from Take One results and was also consistent at lower RPM
2- Horse Power slightly increased yet from Take One results and was also consistent at lower RPM
3- Turbo Pressure stable same as Take One (dropped by 1.52 psi while Torque and Horse Power increased yet from Take One results)
4- Temperature stable as Take One after dropping 2.7 Degree from the consistent baseline without
Phase One - Take Three
all four parameters were consistent with Take Two
Phase One - Take Four
all four parameters were consistent with Take Two
First Phase Concluded and Conclusive: Nano-Oil TM by StClaire made a tremendous improvement
What was added for Phase Two (2 ounces or 59 cc/ml of Nano-Oil TM was added to the Manual Gear Box containing 3.5 quarts more less 3.31 liters) therefore Nano-Oil TM was in Engine & Gear box which also serves the middle transfer to the Rear Differential which is not connected the oil reservoir in the front (the treatment of that differential will be performed at a later date during which overall test will be performed again on a different vehicle)
Phase Two - Take One
1- Torque Increased again and was also consistent at lower RPM
2- Horse Power Increased again for a stabilization at 211 Horse Power between 6200 & 6600 RPM Maintained and was also consistent at lower RPM for a total of 12 Horse Power gain over all from the baselines without Nano-Oil TM
3- Turbo Pressure stable same as Take One (after dropping by 1.52 psi in Phase One )
4- Temperature stable as in Phase One after dropping from non treated engine baselines results
Phase Two - Take Two
1- Torque Increased again
2- Horse Power Increased again
3- Turbo Pressure stable same as Phase One (after dropping by 1.52 psi in Phase One )
4- Temperature stable as Take One after dropping 2.7 Degree from the non treated consistent baseline
Phase Two - Take Three
all four parameters stabilized and remained consistent with Take Two
Phase Two - Take Four
all four parameters stabilized and remained consistent with Take Two
Second Phase Concluded and Conclusive: Nano-Oil TM from StClaire made a tremendous improvement by treating the Manual Gear Box, it took only minutes for the parts to be conditioned to attain those improvements.
The feel of the stick shift became substantially smoother throughout all gears.

From XXXXXXX Polymers TX Grease Application
I just wanted to give you a brief update on our application of the nano-oil. We have used the oil in one of our largest, most severe duty pumps to best be able to tell any effect. The system is a 700 HP, 4160 V pump that runs 24/7/365.
We took amperage readings before and after applying the nano-oil and initial results show a 1 A drop, which translates to approx 63,000 kWh savings per year. We are going to continue monitoring both amperage and vibration readings on the pump, to see what the final overall effect is.
Christian StClaire's response:
I cannot tell you how pleased I am to hear that you were able to put Nano-Oil to practice/work for you, obviously the amp reading is talking to you, the savings alone may or may not be of great importance to you/company however it is my opinion and educated guess that the unit in question that you treated will have a much higher MTBF.
Further, not being familiar with the unit, I have to ask is there another area in the system that could be treated, those could include bushings/bearings on the the motor itself which would translate into another level of efficiency, question: have you ever been impacted by the motor failure ever?
Also were you able to take temperature readings on the treated area before and after?
From Scott Clawson Scott@quarryrun.com , Scott is an advanced Portable Lighting Expert Designer & Extremist, one can appreciate some of his work on Candle Power Website, he is known as MilkySpit
Nano-Oil Testimonial: 'I was developing a threaded tailcap for a bare aluminum flashlight prototype & due to a slight threading mismatch, the pieces were on the verge of galling. Not knowing what else to do, I applied a small quantity of Nano-Oil & was amazed: not only did the parts mate markedly more smoothly & quietly, but all signs of galling were gone... and STAYED gone! I also had a problem with a sticky power switch on the flashlight which Nano-Oil fixed elegantly, I know of no other product so effective in these particular applications. I'm hooked!' would translate into another level of efficiency, question: have you ever been impacted by the motor failure ever?
Also were you able to take temperature readings on the treated area before and after?