Lubrication for the New Millennium
All Highly Concentrated Formulas
All three formulations are compatible with most existing lubricants on the market today including synthetic & mineral.
The Nano-BearingsTM concentration level is such that adding a few drops to a common lubricant will improve dramatically its anti friction qualities.
1- Light 10 weight Armament & Industrial
Suitable for all Guns, Rifles, Flashlight Threads (anti galling), Knives, Fishing Reels, Locks, Hinges,
Bicycles: Bearings, Cables, Chains, Sprockets and Derailleur, Motorcycle forks (will also reduce pitting of
chromes), electric motors bushings, commutator/brushes assemblies, Cam driven Equipments.
all metal to metal dynamic contacts will benefit from an application.
2- Heavy 85 Weight Formulation Nano-Oil TM by StClaire Developed for the M14 & Rapid Firearms.
3- Very Light 5 weight Armament & Industrial specially formulated for high & fast penetration some engineers have
dubbed this formulation "WD40 on steroids", unlike WD40 which stands for "Water Displacement" and basically
help unfreeze parts will evaporates after its duty & a minimal amount of it will stay behind, the high concentration of
our active ingredient called Nano-Bearings TM in our Nano-Oil TM will stay behind after unfreezing the oxidized
(rusted) parts and or components treated. In most cases such parts will actually function again: bushing/shaft - roller
bearings - Sleeve/Shafts etc. In some instances the parts will do so for a long time, however common sense dictates
changing those failed parts and at that point the user should make that decision.

All 3 Grades in one Package
one Transaction & the "Gift of Light"
3 Grades Armament & Industrial Available to the Public.
Order all 3 Grades: 5 + 10 + 85 Weight in one Package & Receive a "Gift of Light"
Blunt Stainless Needle 1.25" 8 cc/ml
Micro Oiler with Stainless Needle Applicator
Automotive Nano-Oil tm Additives for -- Gas -- Diesel --
-- Marine Products --
All Automotive
Products Qualify
for Gift of Light
The 3 formulations are compatible with all existing lubricants on the market today including synthetic & mineral.
The Nano-BearingsTM concentration level is such that adding a few drops to a common lubricant will improve dramatically its anti friction qualities.
for Guns, Rifles, Pistols & Knives use the 10 weight
use the 85 weight on all Rapid Firearms if you favor a thicker lubricant or as a base before applying grease ex. M14 AR-15
Smooth action is instantly noticeable & guaranteed on all
Firearms and Knives after applying only a few drops to all
moving parts including the sear and bullet ramp.
Nano-Oil TM StClaire is used by Swat Team members, Sheriff's Departments and Military personel in Iraqs where micro sand also known as moon dust is creating enormous problems.
Due to the high demand for Micro Oiler Pen Refills (comes with blunt Stainless Needle Applicator)
All our Containers are filled to the brim - extra few CC/ML
1 oz. Purchase by FNF Members, qualifies for:
Manual Transmission Oil Treatment 2 oz.
use also on Differentials $69.00
Marine Out Board Drive Treatment 2 oz.
Small Engine 4 Stroke Oil Treatment 2 oz.
Diesel Engine Oil Treatment 8 oz. $89.00
Automatic Transmission Oil Treatment 8 oz.
MotorCycle ATV SnowMobile OutBoard Motors
4 Stroke Engine Oil Treatment 4 oz.$49.00
Gas Engine Oil Treatment 8 oz. $89.00
Gasoline & Diesel Engine oil treatments Special discount
KNIFELITE™ by Tektite
100% US Made
this 3 in 1 instrument features a locking blade
with screwdriver tip
LED light is incorporated ( 2x CR-2025 included)
a $16.95 Value
one generation prior to currently sold by Tektite
out of stock
LED subsitute will ship
-- Important announcement --
due to the dramatic increase in rate to shipping overseas,
we no longer can offer Free Shipping outside the USA on smaller volume.
Please order at least 2 pocket oiler to qualify or just contact us.